Minors in California (people under the age of 18) cannot own assets directly. Minors must own assets through a guardian. However, minors can be Trust beneficiaries. Typically, when a Trust is established with minor beneficiaries, the Trust terms require the minors’ shares to be held in Trust rather than distributed outright.

Trust shares for minor

Generally speaking, inheritance is not subject to tax in California. If you are a beneficiary, you will not have to pay tax on your inheritance. There are a few exceptions, such as the Federal estate tax. However, an estate must exceed $11.58 million dollars per person in 2020 to be subject to estate tax

A Trust is an entity that holds assets. Living Trusts are set up to benefit the Trust creators, (also referred to as the “Settlors,” or “Grantors,”) during their lifetimes. Living Trusts also provide the terms for management and distribution of the assets once the Grantors pass away.

Living Trusts are typically drafted by an

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Hi, this is Keith Davidson from Albertson & Davidson.  In this video, we’re discussing real property taxes. When a person passes away and they transfer assets, real property, from themselves to their children, under California law, the children are allowed to

Albertson & Davidson, LLP is pleased to announce the addition of attorney Mark D. Perryman to the firm as a partner.  Mr. Perryman focuses his practice on Trust, Will and Probate litigation.  He also helps clients in estate planning, trust administration and business litigation.  

Mark D. Perryman

“I chose to join Albertson & Davidson because they share my