Entering the world of Wills, Trusts and probate can be confusing. One of the first questions people often ask is: what is the difference between a Trustee and an Executor? To put it simply, a Trustee is the person who oversees a Trust, while an Executor is the person who oversees a Will, which often
"Petition for Probate"
Broken Promises: Are Oral Promises to Make a California Trust or Will Enforceable?
Is an oral promise to make a will or trust enforceable under California law? Contrary to what many believe, California law provides for the enforcement of oral promises to make a will or trust.
How does the promise to make a will or trust arise? Generally, a parent orally promises a child, a friend, or…
Self-Guided Tour Through the California Probate Process: Can you handle a probate on your own?
The probate process is probably one of the most archaic procedures we still have in our legal system. Probate simply means to prove-up a Will—it’s the process where a Will is determined to be valid by the Court, it is then “admitted” to probate (as we say), an Executor is appointed and the administration of…
Which Will Wins the Race? The Documents Required For a Proper Will Contest Lawsuit.
There is an old saying in the law that goes “first in time, first in right.” For Wills, the opposite is true—last in time, last in right. Typically the last valid Will wins. But what if the last Will is not valid? That could allow an earlier Will to apply instead. And it is this…
Marital Rights Without Marriage — How Nonmarital Partners May Receive a Share of a Deceased Partner’s Estate Based Upon an Oral Promise Before Death
One of my first litigation cases was against attorney Thomas W. Dominick in San Bernardino County Probate Court. Tom is one of the best estate and trust litigators in California. To say the least, I was scared. The issue in that case revolved around whether my client had a right to his girlfriend’s real property after…
California Petition for Probate How To–A quick walk through on the Petition for Probate
Starting the California Probate Process
In an earlier post we described what probate is and that it only applies to assets titled in the name of the decedent at the time of her death. Now we want to discuss how to start the probate process (it’s just a court process after all).
Handling a California probate can be summed up…
The Expansion of Estate of Heggstad (at least for non-real property assets)
Here’s a situation we see often: Sally dutifully creates a California Trust, and at the same time signs a “general property assignment” to the Trust, which states in effect, “I, Sally, hereby assign, transfer and convey to myself as trustee of my trust, all my right, title and interest in all property owned by me…