1. Surviving Joint Tenants Don’t Have to Share

I have seen it a thousand times, a parent puts one child on title to a bank account or a house to “help manage” that asset.  Well, the law presumes automatically that you want that asset to go 100% to the surviving joint tenant.  If that


That’s a loaded question.  It all depends on how the asset you are seeking to recover was titled.  Even though you, and probably your parent, thought that all assets were in one basket and you can simply file one document to get what is rightfully yours, you are mistaken (welcome to Trust and Will

If you are a California Trustee, here are eight must know facts for your to properly administer your Trust and keep yourself safe from any personal liability:

1.  Know Your Duties

Being a Trustee is a thankless job.  You owe many duties and obligations to the beneficiaries, but they owe you no duties at


Getting the cold shoulder from your Trustee?  While every Trustee has a duty to communicate with the beneficiaries and provide required information, it does not always happen that way.  Maybe the Trustee does not know their fiduciary duties, maybe they don’t know the answer to the questions your asking, or worse yet, maybe