My approach to depositions using Motions in Limine
Fighting For Your Inheritance
Fighting For Your Inheritance
My approach to depositions using Motions in Limine
When trying to amend or revoke a Revokable Trust document, the number one place to start is with the actual trust document.
Motions to Compel
We should never forget when reading a written decision by any Court that there are people—real, live, breathing people—behind the words laid down in the Court’s opinion. I was recently reminded of this fact when I received a call from Tom Giraldin, son of William A. Giraldin, whose estate I discussed in an earlier blog…
Just in time for Halloween, the creation of the two-headed Trustee. They say two heads are better than one. So why not have two Trustees manage your Trust estate, or better yet a two-headed Trustee.
There can be strength in numbers. And many Trusts are administered with skill and grace with two Trustees at the…
The biggest decision for anyone creating a revocable, living trust is the choice of Trustee. A Trustee acts as the manager of the Trust assets. They call all the shots, make all of the important decisions, and decide when and how the Trust assets will be distributed. The Trustee is in a very powerful position…
California Trust and Will litigation is like building a puzzle. There are a lot of moving parts in most cases and trying to figure out how and when to put the parts together can be confusing.
The Fourth District Court of Appeals recently set Trust litigators straight on how and when a Trustee can be…
One of the hardest things to understand for people who do not have experience with our judicial system is the amount of time it takes to resolve most matters in court. Why the wait? In part, it’s due to the backlog of cases in most courtrooms and the lack of funding these days to hire…
Shouldn’t Trust administration be like a game of Simon says? That’s the old school yard game where one person gives an instruction, but you’re only supposed to follow the instruction if it is preceded by the phrase, “Simon says.” For example, Simon says, “Touch your nose.” Simon says, “Touch your toes.” Simon says, “Make proper…
I have posted many articles on the wrongful acts of bad trustees and I am just getting started on that subject. There is always more to write about.
I can’t help but notice that there is a general lack of understanding about the burden of beneficiaries as well. Legally speaking, beneficiaries of California Wills…