Most of us are not capable of giving billions to charity, like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates  But charities, to be successful, don’t need billions (they’d love to have billions, I’m sure, but most operate on far less than that).

Most people make modest charitable gifts to their favorite charity, university or church during their lifetime. 

The manner in which assets are titled govern how those assets pass at death.  And this can override a disposition contained in a Will or Trust. All the effort people take to prepare a Will or Trust can be wasted if assets are not titled properly.  This is what I call the asset puzzle.


Fifty years ago, most assets passed from an individual who died to his or her family by way of Probate (by Will or Intestacy both of which require Probate). Probate is a strict, expensive and time-consuming Court process that must be completed before assets can ultimately being transferred to family members.

But today, we own